Decline; diminish, decrease, fall, drop = 떨어지다, 쇠퇴하다. / refuse, reject, turn down = 거절하다.
Defiant; resisting, opposing, rebellious = 반항적인 / oppose, confront = 반항하다, 무시하다 = disregard
- defiance = 반항, defy = 반항하다, 무시하다
Depend = rely on, hinge on, rest on, lean on, count on, fall back on, rest with, turn to, resort to ; 의지하다, 신뢰하다.
Deteriorate = worsen, degenerate, decline ; 나빠지다
- deterioration = 타락, 악화
—반의어. Improve, ameliorate
Detrimental = harmful, nocuous, damaging, deleterious, injurious; 해로운 / pernicious, fatal, lethal, deadly; 치명적인
diversity = variety, variation, multiplicity; 다양성 / different, multiple, varying, various, a variety of, eclectic ; 다양한
Dormant = inactive, inert, static, stagment, sedentary, sluggish, lethargic, indolent, torpid, listless ; 휴면상태의
Eligible = available, suitable, qualified ; 자격있는, 바람직한
Eliminate = remove, withdraw, get rid of, weed out, abolish, dispose of, do away with ; 제거하다
Elucidate = explain, clarify ; 설명하다, 밝히다
emit = give off, release, discharge, eject, radiate ; 방출하다, 내뿜다
Emulate = copy, imitate, mimic ; 모방하다
endorse = support, approve, recommend; 보충하다, 지지하다 / sign ; 배서하다
enigmatic = mysterious, uncanny, inscrutable, hidden, covert, furtive, secret, clandestine, surreptitious, latent ; 신비한, 은밀한
-enigma = 수수께끼
Ephemeral = brief, temporary, momentary, short-lived, transient, transitory, fleeting, evanescent, provisional, tentative ; 순식간의, 일시적인
—반의어. Permanet, persistent, perpetual, eternal, ceaseless, unceasing, incessant, continual, continuous, everlasting
Eradicate = exterminate, root up, root out, wipe out, weed out, sweep put, stamp out, uproot ; 뿌리뽑다. 박멸하다, 근절하다
Erode = corrode, blur, waste away, wear down, weaken, undermine, impair, attenuate, abate ; 침식시키다, 약화시키다, 침식하다
- erosion = 침식, 부식
Exhaust = use up, deplete, spend, consume, waste, wear out ; 고갈시키다, 다 써버리다, 지치게 하다
Fallacious = wrong, mistaken, erroneous, improper, incorrect, false, spurious, specious, fake, fradulent, forged, counterfelt ; 잘못된, 허위의
—반의어. Unerring, infallible, faultless, unmistakable ; 틀림없는
feasible = practicable, possible, viable, workable, likely ; 실현 가능한 / plausible, believable, possible, likely, probable, credible, persuasive ; 그럴듯한
Fluctuate = vary, sway ; 변동하다, 오르내리다
Futile = useless, vain, worthless, fruitless, infertile, ineffectual, unprofitable, barren, desolate, sterile ; 헛된, 무익한, 소용없는
- futility = 헛됨
—반의어. Fertile, productive, fruitful, prolific
Frugal = thrifty, economical ; 절약하는, 검소한 / stingy, miserly, mean, parsimonious ; 인색한
—반의어. Wasteful, prodigal, extravagant, lavish, luxurious
Gregarious = sociable, social ; 사교적인, 떼지어 사는
—반의어. Solitary
Haughty = arrogant, supercilious, stuck -up, pompous, presumptuous, condescending, partronizing ; 거만한 / impudent, insolent, impertinent, rude, impolite ; 건방진, 무례한
Havoc = devastation, ruin, destruction, disorder, confusion, chaos, disruption ; 파괴, 파괴하다
Hereditary = genetic, inborn, inheritable, innate, inherent, natural ; 유전적인
- heredity ; 유전성, 상습, 세속
Hinder = prevent, impede, obstruct, block, thwart, frustrate, hamper, interrupt, curb, limit, restrain, restrict, check, control ; 방해하다, 막다
homogeneous = same, identical, equivalent ; 동종의
—반의어. Heterogenous, ,disparate, different
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